Here's your first test in History TBA. You will always have at least two weeks' advance warning of any exam or test. BTW, the image at right is a great feature of central European geography: the Danube as border between Hungary and Slovak republic at Esztergom, northern Hungary. You can walk down the hill from here and over the bridge and be in the Slovak republic...or maybe you can swim it, but I don't recommend that. The Danube isn't blue, it's brown and it stinks in summer. You might not survive an encounter with it.
Here comes the fabled(notorious?!)History 450 geography midterm. You will need to be able to locate and identify the capital of all the countries on the European continent, including Turkey, which isn’t altogether on the continent but which might be in the European Union one day. THEN you will have to answer a certain number of the following fun questions…not all, but you won’t know which ones, so you will need to know all of them.
What European regional capital is known as “Titanic town?”
Match the European country with its homegrown alcoholic beverage:
Dom Perignon:
What central. European country is home to the Lippizaner stud farm?
Where is Dracula's castle? Name the country AND region
Where is the Cotentin peninsula and why is it important to you and me?
Which central European country is famous for gulyas and paprika?
What east European city is the location of the Lenin ship
Yard, famous for its role in the l980s? What country was it in before l945?
What defines the states we know as the “Baltics” and the “Balkans”? Name the three Baltic states, their capitals and at least two Balkan states and THEIR capitals.
What country’s capital has been the head of two major religious empires?
Where is the home base of the Ibizian hound, one of the biggest, skinniest dogs you will find? How about the celebrated hunting dog known as the “Kurzhaar?”
What accounts for both French and German being heard on the streets of the eastern French city of Strasbourg?
What is the Camino de Santiago de Compostela and where does it take place? You will begin to understand about it if you go to this site--
Identify the countries to which these Olympic cities belong:
St. Moritz:
Which city is lucky enough to have Schipol as its airport, one of the most user-friendly in the world? Conversely, which is cursed with the world’s worst airport, Sheremetevo I and II?
Cartographic confusion: What are these cities called today, and where are they?
Take one of them and explain how its name got changed.
Which countries are connected by the Oresund bridge?
What is Kaliningrad, what did it used to be known as and why is it an anomaly in today’s Europe?
How could someone be born, educated, married and then die in three or four different European countries and never move away from his hometown?
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