Monday, September 19, 2011

History 425 tier III

History 425
Tier III project instructions

History 425 is a Tier III course, which means you must complete a longer writing assignment in order to finish the course. You can choose EITHER of these two options:

1) Since this is the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, and New York has a new memorial complex plus the beginnings of a new office building at the site where the Twin Towers once stood. Taking advantage of the free access to newspapers and magazines that the WSU Library affords you, you should read a minimum of two articles per week from sources like the New York Times, The New York Daily News, Time, The Economist(NOT the TriCity Herald!) concerning New York and/or the country as they relate to this anniversary. You can go back to July, August and September if you wish, and/or look for new articles as time goes on. Bottom line, you must read TWO articles per week minimum, SUMMARIZE each in a paragraph or two and keep the summaries in a folder. When you finish with the reading and summaries, write up your findings(it goes quickly if you have the summaries) in a 5-7 page paper. If your reading leads you in a particular direction, e.g. the lives of survivors, the legacy of those who perished in the attacks, how America and/or New York has changed in the intervening decade, focus on that theme. Otherwise, write a general essay on what you learned from your reading.

2) Read two articles per week on aspects of contemporary New York City in the New York Times, the New York Daily News and/or the New York Post and then write an essay summarizing your findings. If you choose this option, you should diversify your readings, looking for a wide spectrum of readings, e.g. sports, fashion, geography, immigration, architecture, real estate, religion, anything that particularly interests you. The point is to learn more about New York than we can cover in class. You should summarize each article that you read in a paragraph or two, and keep the summaries in a folder. Then, towards the end of the assignment period, write up your findings in a 5-7 page paper.

Whichever option you choose, you will turn in your article summaries, complete with citations, and your paper in hard copy to me on November 28, the day after Thanksgiving vacation. That way, you will not have this hanging over your head during dead week and finals...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Europe in l9l4

...And this is the World of Yesteryear, Europe prior to World War I. A vivid contrast here with the postwar was about to be a great time to be a cartographer.

Europe l9l9-38

This is the map of post-Versailles has changed quite a lot from that of l9l4. Can you count the ways?!

Charlie football

This is German Shorthaired Pointer number 2, Charlie McKinney...he's Annie's cousin and sidekick.