History 425
Second exam—December l4, 2011
Directions Part I: Prepare ALL THREE of the following questions, drawing on videos, lectures, readings and any outside research/reflection you have done. You will answer ONE of them on test day. You MAY get a choice, but then again, you might NOT, so be prepared either way! As always, the best essays are well-organized, clearly written and well-supported with specific names, dates, events, etc. Also, as before, it is fine to work with others on these questions, just make sure the work you turn in is your own.
a)You would never know it by listening to some politicians here, but Paris has numerous ties to America and Americans. Discuss two or three of these ties and indicate in general where you can find evidence of them on the landscape of the city.
b)Many buildings and structures in Paris, as in other cities, are sites of memory in the city’s history. What do the Eiffel Tower and the Arch of Triumph tell us about the history of Paris and France in the l9th and 20th centuries?
c)Clues to the northern Irish conflict—its past as well as its future—are numerous, particularly in the two largest cities, Londonderry and Belfast. What are some of the clues visitors can see, and what do they reveal about the way Catholics and Protestants view the “Troubles?”