Monday, April 18, 2011

History 450 final exam 2011

Without further ado, the final exam for 450...should be pretty easy if you are alive and breathing and present at class these last few sessions. I will do the heavy lifting...

History 450
Spring ’11—final exam

Answer the following question, using readings, videos, lectures and/or any personal reflection you have done to support the points you make:

President John F. Kennedy once made a wise observation to the effect that those who make peaceful change impossible make violent revolution inevitable. Write an essay in which you apply that observation to the Catholic-Protestant conflict in northern Ireland. First, outline the reasoning behind the non-violent civil rights protests of the late l960s and early l970s. Then explain why the conflict turned violent and discuss in general terms measures taken by each side to fight the other. Conclude your essay by making clear how the violent conflict was brought to an end in l998.

The image at right is the Kelly brothers' tribute to the victims of the British army para shootings in Londonderry, 30 January 1972, "Bloody Sunday."

LibArts symposium website address

Attention 466 students: the Spring 2011 Liberal Arts Research symposium website is up and running and in need of your abstracts. You need to compose a few sentences on what your museum exhibit covers, and then submit that paragraph to the following address:

Deadline is APRIL 25, 5 pm. You WANT your name in the program, so please get this done now.

Also, PLEASE make sure that someone looks over the abstract before you submit it, because this abstract will go into the symposium program, and you may want to show this to prospective employers or grad school admissions committees. You definitely do NOT want to look illiterate in your own language....

Friday, April 8, 2011

CLASS, actual CLASS, on Monday!

Unbelievably, I DID return from the UK and there WILL be class in both Euro and Cold War on Monday, April ll(!). In Cold War, a special session since the following day, April l2, is the proudest day in the history of the Soviet Union, the day Iurii Gagarin made his historic manned space flight, beating the US to that milestone and getting the President's Irish up--it was shortly thereafter that he made his boast that the US would put a man on the moon before this decade(l960s)was out, etc., etc. So we will celebrate on Monday.

I had hoped to blog the London trip, but was chagrined to find out that the UK has yet to discover the charms of public wireless access. At WSUTC, we're so used to universal wireless access, it's hard to believe that other places might not have it. Cambridge University, for all its virtues, has exactly NO wireless access, public or otherwise...hard to believe, but it's true. I hadn't even brought my computer because I thought I could connect to my IPAD via wireless. Think again! Anyway, that's why the long radio silence...

The photo you see above is the back lawn of Trinity College, Cambridge, one of the many residential colleges there to enjoy its own centuries-old Gothic cathedral. If ever you get to London, you should visit, just to lay eyes on the greatest University town in all the world.